I have been pretty anxious lately about this whole surrogacy thing. We meet with the DR. tomorrow.
I just don't want to go through another IVF to retrieve my eggs! But I know that if I don't then I will regret not trying this route. I just don't want to deal with the hormones, the pain. the discomfort of it all.
Part of me has been secretly hoping that I will be pregnant naturally and I won't have to go through any of it. I will pee on a stick and I will see two red lines. I will yell out from the bathroom and give my husband the great news. We will hug and cry and be excited. In that moment we will bury all our previous fertility treatments,trials and difficulties. We will resurrect all of our dreams.We will call our parents, sisters and brothers and share the good news. We will spend hours designing a nursery. We won't worry about names since we have already decided on names. OK...well you get the point.
I think that it's the reason why we keep on going, this hope that we seem to find. I really hope that you can have your miracle, and soon!