Thursday, 17 November 2011

Good News. No, not that kind of good

I received a great email last night.
For those of you who don't know, I have been corresponding via email with a potentional gestational carrier. We have developed a great relationship thus far over email. After receiving the green light from her doctor on the 15th, she has confirmed to me that she is able to move forward with being our gestational carrier! This will not be happening till April of next year. Things are looking positive. There are a lot of details to go through now..but one step at a time. It's wierd... I feel happy and scared all at the same time!


  1. OMGOSH!!! so VERY HAPPY FOR YOU!! please keep me posted on how it goes! This the definitely the prayer that you mentioned you wanted to know what to do! This is so amazing!!! not sure if you can have a glass of wine but if you are!..i think this is the moment to have one with your hubby! Good luck and lots of baby dust sending your way!!!! yippeeeeee Green light from her doctor!!!! awesome!!! gosh, i drink to that for you guys!!! i got lots of vino at home!! i'll be thinking of you tonight and praying for a baby coming your way very soon!!! i know i'm getting ahead of myself but girl we need some happy news for a change! hmm, new year............
